The Heart of Main Street
Home to the crafters markets during the Schomberg Fair and A Main Street Christmas, as well as countless community meetings and celebrations, the Schomberg Community Hall just may be the most loved building in the entire village.
The Hall is currently closed for renovations in order to update the interior and make the second floor fully accessible.

A Glimpse into the Hall's History
In the early 1900's, Schomberg was known as having one of the best small town produce markets north of Toronto. Producers came from miles distant to dispose of their commodities.
Market day was a busy day for many years. On that day there was not enough accommodation for all at the hitching posts on the street and in the local sheds, and many farmers had to use the fairgrounds to tie their horses while they sold their produce and purchased goods with the proceeds.
In 1907 the Schomberg Market Association was formed and the Schomberg Community Hall was built. In 1922 it was decided to add a community hall to the building and a second storey was added to provide an auditorium, while the lower floor continued to be used for the market.

photo circa 1909. Credit: Schomberg and its School