Annual Agricultural Spring Fair

Annual Agricultural Spring Fair

172 Years Strong!

After 2 long years, the Schomberg Fair is back! Thursday May 26 - Sunday May 29

Take part in the fun local tradition that has been upheld for the past 172 years, celebrating local agriculture, art, and talent.

To be come a volunteer, please text or call Julia at 647-519-6305.

To become a vendor, please contact Cathy at (905) 939-8283 or Ryan at (905) 751-6299.

Many attractions and traditions are featured at the Schomberg Fair:

🏎Demolition Derby
🐎Horse Shows
🚜Parade featuring Tractors
🎤Live Bands
🐄Cattle Shows
🐏Livestock Displays
🍿Fantastic Food
🥇Contests and Competitions

Weekend Admission
Thurs: $5 flat rate
Ages 6 and up: Fri: $15 Sat: $15 Sun: $10
Ages 4 & 5: $10 Fri, $10 Sat, Sun: $8

Online Fair Book:
Visit for more information

The Four Seasons Market

The Four Seasons Market Is Back!

Summer Market - Saturday June 4, 10a.m - 2p.m

The Four Seasons Market is kicking off their Summer Market at the Schomberg Agricultural Fair Grounds!

Discover a wide variety of unique independent local businesses, each serving their customers' tastes that creates overall choice for everyone.

Grab your families & friends to see what the community has to offer!

Want to become a vendor? Visit to fill out their online form.

Pop-Up Patios


Taking it to the Street on Main

Pop-Up Patios have been installed on Schomberg's historic Main Street in front of  The Grackle Coffee Company and Leonardo's Pizzeria and Smokehouse.

The patios expand outdoor dining space and support physical distancing within Schomberg’s historic commercial core and have been provided and installed by King Township, with partnership funding from Central Counties Tourism.

We are delighted to be creating such an innovative use of public space,” said King Township Mayor Steve Pellegrini. “In these COVID times these patios will provide additional outdoor dining capacity for the community, as well as stimulating the economic recovery of our local businesses and adding to the charm of Main Street.”


Pop-Up Patios to Remain Until October 31

Each patio measures 18 feet by 7 feet and will occupy approximately 1 on-street parking space while providing about 130 square feet of patio space each. The patio at Grackle is adjoined and offer 260 square feet of space.

For those needing to park for a period less than 3 hours on Main Street, ample street parking will remain.  Those needing to park for more than 3 hours can make use of the Green P lot beside the Post Office or park in the Parks Depot (Old Arena) lot on Western Avenue.

more info on Main Street parking


Crosswalk Art


Crosswalk Art Has Come to Main Street.

At the corner of Church and Main Street, under the eye of the Schomberg Market Day mural, Schomberg’s agricultural heritage was celebrated with 2 crosswalks featuring local crops that would have been sold on Market Day. The first crosswalk features the fall harvest of pumpkins and carrots, the second features spring crops of strawberries and salad.

These crops were carefully chosen to represent both the Holland Marsh and the highlands of Schomberg’s agricultural area.

Pictured overlooking the installation is Lisa Grealish, the winning artist who designed the crosswalks.


The Third Crosswalk Features Turtles

Located adjacent to the Dufferin Marsh and a prominent turtle crossing, the third crosswalk features bullrushes, lily pads and turtles.

It is the intent that in addition to adding visual art to the intersection, this crosswalks will serve as a reminder to drivers to keep an eye out for turtles, especially in the Spring.

You will find the garden crosswalks at the corner of Church Street and Main Street.  The turtle crosswalk is located at the corner of Main Street and Dr. Kay Drive.